Recent publications
Abdelkrim J, Byrom AE, Gemmell NJ 2010. Fine-scale genetic structure of mainland invasive Rattus rattus populations: implications for restora- tion of forested conservation areas in New Zealand. Conservation Genetics 11: 1953–1964.
Ballesteros C, Vicente J, Morriss G, Yockney I, Rodríguez O, Gortázar C, de la Fuentea J 2011. Acceptance and palatability for domestic and wildlife hosts of baits designed to deliver a tuberculosis vaccine to wild boar piglets. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 98: 198 – 203.
Barron MC, Anderson DP, Parkes JP, ‘Ohukani’ohi’a Gon III SM 2011. Evaluation of feral pig control in Hawaiian protected areas using Bayesian catch-effort models. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 35: 182 – 188.
Clayton R, Cowan P 2010. Management of animal and plant pests in New Zealand: patterns of control and monitoring by regional agencies. Wildlife Research 37 : 360 – 371.
Cross ML, Zheng T, Duckworth JA, Cowan PE 2010. Could recombinant technology facilitate the realisation of a fertility-control vaccine for pos- sums? New Zealand Journal of Zoology 38: 91 – 111.
de Tores PJ, Sutherland DR, Clarke JR, Hill RF, Garretson SW, Bloomfield L, Strümpher L, Glen AS, Cruz J 2011. Assessment of risks to non- target species from an encapsulated toxin in a bait proposed for control of feral cats. Wildlife Research 38: 39 – 50.
Duckworth J, Scobie S, Lubitz P, Lubitz W, Cowan PE 2010. Bait-delivered fertility control vaccines for brushtail possums in New Zealand. Journal of Reproductive Immunology 86: 36 – 36.
Gleeson DM, Byrom AE, Howitt RLJ 2010. Non-invasive methods for genotyping stoats (Mustela erminea) in New Zealand: potential for field applications. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 34: 356–359.
Gormley AM, Forsyth DM, Griffioen P, Lindeman M, Ramsey DS, Scroggie MP, Woodford L 2011. Using presence-only and presence-absence data to estimate the current and potential distributions of established invasive species. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 25 – 34.
Holland OJ, Cowan PE, Gleeson DM, Duckworth JA, Chamley LW 2010. Immunocontraceptive vaccines and major histocompatibility complex variation in the brushtail possum. Journal of Reproductive Immunology 86: 36 – 36.
Jarrad FC, Barrett S, Murray J, Parkes J, Stiklosa R, Mengersen K, Whittle P 2011. Improved design method for biosecurity surveillance and early detection of non-indigenous rats. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 35: 132 – 144.
Jones C, Pech R, Forrester G, King CM, Murphy EC 2011. Functional responses of an invasive top predator Mustela erminea to invasive meso- predators Rattus rattus and Mus musculus , in New Zealand forests. Wildlife Research 38: 131 – 140.
Lawton C, Cowan P, Bertolino S, Lurz PWW, Peters AR 2010. The consequences of introducing non-indigenous species: two case studies, the grey squirrel in Europe and the brushtail possum in New Zealand. Revue Scientifique et Technique-Office International des Epizooties 29: 287 – 297.
Nugent G, Whitford J, Sweetapple P, Duncan R, Holland P 2010. Effect of one-hit control on the density of possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and their impacts on native forest. Science for Conservation 304. Wellington, Department of Conservation. 68 p.
Nugent G, Morgan D, Clayton R, Warburton B 2011. Improving the efficacy of aerial poisoning of brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) through reduced fragmentation of bait . International Journal of Pest Management 57 : 51 – 59.
Nugent G, Yockney IJ, Whitford EJ 2011. Intra-specific transmission of Mycobacterium bovis among penned pigs in New Zealand. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47: 364 – 372.
Ramsey DSL, Parkes JP, Will D, Hanson CC, Campbell KJ 2011. Quantifying the success of feral cat eradication, San Nicolas Island, California. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 35: 163 – 173.
Ruscoe WA, Pech RP 2010. Rodent outbreaks in New Zealand. In: Singleton G, Belmain S, Brown P, Hardy B eds. Rodent outbreaks: ecology and impacts. Manila, Philippines, International Rice Research Institute. Pp. 239 – 251.
Smith DHV, Moller H, Wilson DJ, Murphy EC 2010. Prey switching by stoats (Mustela erminea): a supplemental food experiment. Wildlife Research 37: 604 – 611.
Sweetapple P, Nugent G, 2011. Chew-track-cards: a multiple species small mammal detection device. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 35: 153 – 162.