Recent publications
Anderson DP, Ramsey DSL, De Lisle GW, Bosson M, Cross ML, Nugent G 2015. Development of integrated surveillance systems for the management of tuberculosis in New Zealand wildlife. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 63 (supplement 1): 89–97. doi: 10.1080/00480169.2014.963830
Buxton R, Taylor G, Jones C, Lyver PO’B, Moller H, Cree A, Towns D 2016. Spatio-temporal changes in density and distribution of burrow-nesting seabird colonies after rat eradication. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 40(1): 88–99.
Cowan P, Booth L, Crowell M 2016. Repellents with potential to protect kea and other native birds from aerial poisoning for possum and rat control. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 40(1): 29–41.
Crowell M, Booth L, Cowan P, Fairweather A, Westbrooke I 2016. Stability of bird repellents used to protect kea (Nestor notabilis) during aerial 1080 cereal operations. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 40(1): 42–48.
Cruz J, Woolmore C, Latham MC, Latham ADM, Pech RP, Anderson DP 2015. Seasonal and individual variation in selection by feral cats for areas with widespread primary prey and localised alternative prey. Wildlife Research 41(8): 650–661. doi: 10.1071/WR14234
Denmead LH, Barker GM, Standish RJ, Didham RK 2015. Experimental evidence that even minor livestock trampling has severe effects on land snail communities in forest remnants. Journal of Applied Ecology 52(1): 161–170. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12370
Eden J-S, Read AJ, Duckworth JA, Strive T, Holmes EC 2015. Resolving the origin of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV): insights from an investigation of the viral stocks released in Australia. Journal of Virology 89(23): 12217–12220. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01937-15
Fisher P, Algar D, Murphy E, Johnston M, Eason C 2015. How does cat behaviour influence the development and implementation of monitoring techniques and lethal control methods for feral cats? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 173: 88–96. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2014.09.010
Jones C, Lyver P, Whitehead A, Forrester G, Parkes J, Sheehan M 2015. Grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma gouldi) productivity unaffected by kiore (Pacific rats, Rattus exulans) on a New Zealand offshore island. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 42(3): 131–144. doi: 10.1080/03014223.2015.1048809
Jones C, Warburton B, Carver J, Carver D 2015. Potential applications of wireless sensor networks for wildlife trapping and monitoring programs. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39(2): 341–348. doi: 10.1002/wsb.543
Latham ADM, Herries D, Latham MC 2015. Seasonal patterns of resource selection by introduced sika deer (Cervus nippon) in Kaweka Forest Park Recreational Hunting Area, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39(2): 291–302.
Latham ADM, Latham MC, Cieraad E, Tompkins DM, Warburton B 2015. Climate change turns up the heat on vertebrate pest control. Biological Invasions 17(10): 2821–2829. doi: 10.1007/s10530-015-0931-2
Livingstone PG, Hancox N, Nugent G, Mackereth G, Hutchings SA 2015. Development of the New Zealand strategy for local eradication of tuberculosis from wildlife and livestock. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 63(supplement 1): 98–107. doi: 10.1080/00480169.2015.1013581
Norton DA, Warburton B 2015. The potential for biodiversity offsetting to fund effective invasive species control. Conservation Biology 29(1): 5–11. doi: 10.1111/Cobi.12345
Parkes JP, Easdale TA, Williamson WM, Forsyth DM 2015. Causes and consequences of ground disturbance by feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in a lowland New Zealand conifer–angiosperm forest. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39(1): 34–42.
Rouco C, Norbury G 2015. Short-term influence of snow cover on movements and habitat use by brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39(2): 303–308.
Tompkins DM, Veltman CJ 2015. Behaviour-manipulating parasites as adjuncts to vertebrate pest control. Ecological Modelling 302: 1–8. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.01.016
Warburton B, Gormley AM 2015. Optimising the application of multiple-capture traps for invasive species management using spatial simulation. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0120373. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120373