Access formats: Downloadable data
Classification and underlying data for detailed use, custom-mapping and calculations
Download the Threatened Environment Classification as a GIS layer (shapefile)
- Visit the Land Resource Information Systems (LRIS) portal.
- Type “Threatened Environment” in the search box, or navigate to the layer by selecting in the left side bar: Category: Biota >Ecology>Ecosystem type>Terrestrial Ecosystem.
- You can add the layer to your basket for download by clicking the “+” button. While everyone can search and view data, you need to be a registered user to download data. Public users will have to register (for free) to establish a user id (a valid email address) and password. See Getting Started for more details.
Download the Threatened Environment Classification as a table
- Tab-delimited text file for LENZ Level IV (500 Environments nationally): Threatened Environments Classification
This table shows for each of the 500 LENZ level IV environments (identified by name and number) the percent of land area with indigenous cover remaining in 2002, 2008 and 2012 (labelled Nat02Pct, Nat08Pct, Nat12Pct; using satellite imagery of the corresponding timestamps as classified in LCDB4), and the percent of land area protected for natural heritage protection in 2004 and 2012 (labelled Prot02Pct.1c, Prot12Pct). It also provides the Threatened Environment Classification categories for 2002 (TEC02.Class, classified using the Nat02Pct and Prot02Pct.1c values provided), and the Threatened Environment Classification 2012 categories (TEC12.Class, classified using the Nat12Pct and Prot12Pct values provided). - GIS-users can also use the above table to upload the classification into GIS by joining this table to the LENZ level 4 layer (available for download on
For details on how to upload the classification into GIS this way, please read Step-by-Step Guide to Uploading the Threatened Environment Classification into a GIS2.59MB.
Please note that you can also view the classification and make maps on Landcare Research’s interactive online GIS portal OurEnvironment.
Download legend files for GIS
We would like to encourage users to apply a common symbology / colour scheme when producing maps of the Threatened Environment Classification, so that the results are easily exchanged and information can be absorbed at a glance. The legend is included if the layer is downloaded from However, if you create The Threatened Enviornment Classfication layer by joining LENZ and the table above, please download and use one of the below legend files to aid all users.
Note: do not try to open these files in your web browser. Right-click, then select "save as".
- .avl is for ArcView (4KB)
- .lyr is for ArcGIS (25KB) — Legend files for in GIS
Download underlying data
The Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) the land cover database (LCDB4) are available for download from The protected areas network database is not publicly available due to copyright and privacy issues.