Feedback on Garden Bird Survey experience

About 3000 people took part in the 2014 Garden Bird Survey. Over 60% of those people participated in an online survey to help us improve your Garden Bird Survey experience in the future.
What you had to say.....
Bird population trends and which are the most rare and common speciesAREAS OF INTEREST
The national picture and, to a lesser extent, about your region, city or townPRESENTATION OF RESULTS
Using maps, summaries with images and, to a lesser extent, graphsACCESSING INFORMATION
Webpages and email are the preferred information sources but newspaper articles are also popularSURVEY UPDATES
Most prefer to receive survey information 1-3 times a yearMOTIVATIONS FOR PARTICIPATING
You enjoy watching birds, are concerned about the health of garden bird populations or want to help improve understanding about garden birdsWHO PARTICIPATES
Mostly amateur bird watchers, naturalists or citizen scientists, often members of an environmental organisation but rarely students.