Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Landcare Research at a glance

Our Vision

Science and environment for a better New Zealand

Our Core Purpose

To drive innovation in New Zealand’s management of terrestrial biodiversity and land resources in order to both protect and enhance the terrestrial environment and grow New Zealand’s prosperity.

Our National Outcomes 

  • Improved measurement, management and protection of New Zealand’s terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, including in the conservation estate
  • Sustainable use of land resources and their ecosystem services across catchments and sectors
  • Improved measurement and mitigation of greenhouse gases from the terrestrial biosphere
  • New Zealand industries and organisations have increased ability to develop within environmental limits and meet market and community requirements

Our Scope of Operation

Landcare Research is recognised as the lead Crown research insititute (CRI) in the following areas: 

  • Catchment-level ecosystems (including wetlands) and related ecosystem services
  • Terrestrial vertebrate pest control
  • Terrestrial carbon processes and inventory, and other greenhouse gases from soil and land
  • Land cover, land use capability and effects, and spatial and information that integrates across sectors and scales
  • Soil characterisation, processes and services
  • Integrated social and biophysical research to support the sustainable management of terrestrial biodiversity and land resources

Landcare Research is expected to work with other research providers and end-users to contribute to the following: 

  • Biosecurity, land, soil and freshwater management
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Industry and business environmental performance including verification
  • Indigenous forestry
  • Urban environments
  • Antarctica

Our organisation

Landcare Research is one of eight Crown research institutes (CRIs) formed in 1992. CRIs function as independent companies but are owned by, and accountable to, the New Zealand Government. Our shareholders are the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment. We have 380 staff at nine locations across New Zealand, including our subsidiary carboNZero Holdings at Lincoln and Auckland. Our science revenue (about $59 million per year) is derived primarily from contracts with the Science and Innovation Group with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (formerly MSI), Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), Department of Conservation (DOC), Animal Health Board (AHB), regional, city and district councils, private sector businesses and organisations, and Maori organisations.

Manaaki whenua – Manaaki tangata (Care for the land – Care for the people)

Our Maori name means to care for the land in all senses. Maori are tangata whenua, the indigenous people with whom we consult and collaborate. Our recognition of and respect for Maori as tangata whenua is reflected in our Vision Matauranga strategy.