Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Our organisation

People are the lifeblood of any organisation engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and innovative research. We strive to support our staff in this, and to provide a stimulating working environment that encourages worldclass science and meets our wider social and ethical responsibilities.

Our investments in infrastructure ensure staff have excellent facilities and that important assets (such as our biological collections) are better protected.

We have a culture of collaboration to enhance our performance. Collaboration is a characteristic of our research, and it also applies to achieving operational efficiencies and performance. We are part of several pan-CRI initiatives to improve workforce planning, and All-of-Government initiatives to broker excellent service and supply contracts, greater IT benefits, and more sustainable options for both procurement and waste management.

Landcare Research has a decade-long reputation for corporate sustainability performance and transparent public reporting. We publish detailed accounts of our performance on our website.

Certifications and partnerships

We have:

  • ISO 14001 certification for our environmentalmanagement system and practices
  • Tertiary accreditation (the highest level) in the Accident Compensation Commission (ACC)’s programme for Workplace Safety Management Practices
  • CarboNZeroCert™ certification across all our sites
  • Our online reporting meets application level A of the GRI Framework (self-assessed)

We are members of: 

  • The EEO Trust
  • BusinessNZ and the Sustainable Business Council (SBC), including CEO membership of the Executive Committee of SBC and Landcare Research acting as GRI data partners with BusinessNZ
  • Sustainable Business Network
  • New Zealand Green Building Council

We are supporters of: 

  • The Public Service Association (PSA)’s Partnerships for Quality approach