Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Science framework


Landcare Research’s science framework is clear, effective and facilitates engagement with stakeholders who support our approach to achieving our Core Purpose and National Outcomes.

National Outcomes and Impacts

National Outcomes will be achieved by many organisations working together across the public and private sectors. For each Outcome, we have identified two Impacts, which focus on (1) status and trends – what natural assets are there, what value they have or could have, and (2) management and policy solutions – the ways we both use and sustain these assets. Key performance indicators spanning a 5-year time frame help us gauge progress. We report on these in the following pages along with significant research highlights.

During the year, we worked with key stakeholders to develop Outcome investment strategies and to prioritise the research needed over the next few years to deliver our Impacts and Outcomes. The research priorities will be delivered through 10 Portfolios of complementary science. Portfolios are flexible and integrate with each other, making connections and developing relevant science at local and national scales. Portfolios may contribute to different Impacts and Outcomes simultaneously. They are the focal point for engaging with stakeholders and being responsive to their needs and also our operating environment.

Since the Portfolios were formed, we have been working with stakeholder to plan science initiatives for the next five years, identify key partners and what their roles are in the initiatives, and to agree on significant knowledge and technology transfer activities. These have been summarised in our Statement of Corporate Intent for 2012-17.


The MSI Group in MBIE commissioned Colmar Brunton to conduct an independent Stakeholder Survey across a wide range of organisations, and 61 stakeholders commented on Landcare Research. 

  • 83% are satisfied with the way we set research priorities
  • 84% say the relationship they have with us is effective
  • 91% have con.dence that we have the ability to put together the most appropriate research teams
  • 87% of those interacting with us in the past 3 years are satisfied with the overall quality of their experience     

Also see Stakeholder Engagement and Science Collaboration & Excellence.