Landcare Research CEO Dr Richard Gordon launches the National Land Resource Centre.
In July/August 2012, we conducted an on-line survey of people using our Nationally Significant Databases and Collections; 291 people chose to respond:
- 92% said they were either completely or very satisfied with the databases and collections services we provide
- 88% said they were either completely or very satisfied with the methods for accessing the resources
- 78% said the resources were essential or very important to their work
- 95% said the resources were essential or very important to New Zealand and internationally
Land Resource Information Systems (LRIS) (full year data below but, as LRIS was launched in 2010/11, no full-year comparative data is available) – provides access to the Land Resource Inventory (NZLRI), the National Soils Database (NSD) , S-map, Digital Elevation Models and more. |
Application loads* | 2976 |
Page views | 128, 956 |
Visits | 12,816 |
Total users | 3596 |
S-map Online (11 months data) – the new national soils database that provides access to digital soil information, including maps and fact sheets. |
Application loads* | 9254 |
Point queries | 13,391 |
Visits | 11,061 |
Our Environment (7 months data) – provides access to a wide range of environmental data. |
Application loads* | 2633 |
Page views | 12,797 |
Visits | 4487 |
* Each Application load equates to clicking the button on the homepage to start the mapping software
National Vegetation Survey Databank (NVS) – includes plot records, maps & photos spanning 50 years | 2011 | 2012 | % change from 2011 |
Datasets provided on request | 1243 | 1195* | - 4% |
* Excludes datasets available through NVS Express on-line.
Specimens loaned or gifted from Nationally Significant Biological Collections | 2011 | 2012 | % change from 2011 |
NZ Arthropod Collection (NZAC), including nematodes - specimens | 7500 | 4785 | - 36% |
International Collection of Micro-Organisms from Plants (ICMP) - cultures | 884 | 598 | - 32% |
NZ Fungal Herbarium (PDD) - specimens | 452 | 263 | - 43% |
Allan Herbarium (CHR) - specimens | 1087 | 4063 | + 273% |
NZ flax & living plant collections | 38 | 25 | - 34% |
Specimen data are available online through our systematics databases (, the NZ Virtual Herbarium, the NZ Organisms Register (, and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (