Our people

Mike Marden excavating tree roots with an air gun. Image - R Gordon
Goal: Landcare Research has an organisational culture that is adaptive in the face of change, attracts high quality talent, produces great leaders, and is supported by effective systems and processes.
International competition for talented scientists is increasingly fierce, making it a constant challenge for New Zealand research organisations to attract and retain the best and brightest, particularly in the environmental sciences. Our science facilities, culture and our philosophy of ‘manaaki whenua – manaaki tangata’ (care for the land – care for the people) are vital to attracting and retaining staff. Our personnel policies and practices (and those of our subsidiary carboNZero Holdings) comply with ‘good employer’ principles in accordance with section 118 of the Crown Entities Act 2004, but we seek to go well beyond this so that Landcare Research is perceived as an ‘employer of choice’ by our own staff, their colleagues in New Zealand and overseas, and by prospective employees. To this end, our People & Culture strategy focuses on four key areas: Workplace Culture; Leadership; Talent; and Compliance, Systems and Service.