Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Science collaboration & excellence

Phil Lyver working on Adélie penguins in Antarctica. Image - Deb Wilson

Goals: Landcare Research-led teams are regarded as national ‘best teams’ that draw upon the complementary skills of CRIs, universities and other organisations, including those overseas, and deliver excellent science. Landcare Research’s science excellence is enhanced, and opportunities are realised for the benefit of New Zealand, by managing and leveraging international connections.

A reputation for science excellence allows us to partner with the world’s best research organisations. Excellence is illustrated by our publications and citations (benchmarked internationally), and the professional recognition attributed to our scientists through awards and invitations to participate in national and international research and advisory groups.

In recent years, New Zealand science has progressed from a highly competitive to a more collaborative culture. This trend has facilitated the ‘best team’ approach through national research centres, networks and hubs that pool capability in particular science areas. The National Science Challenges will bring a further step change in collaboration, and we have been mindful of this in reviewing our current and future core capability and future skill sets.

We have a well-established track record of collaborating with other research organisations as this enables us to assemble the best scientific capability for tackling environmental issues relevant to our Core Purpose and National Outcomes. Partnerships, centres of excellence and international connectedness enable us to be at the forefront of science and technology developments. This engenders confidence and trust among end-user partners and the wider community in research findings.