Soil Horizons Newsletter

A newsletter to communicate our work in soil related research to stakeholders, customers and colleagues. Issues covered by Soil Horizons include soil quality, land rehabilitation, impacts of wastewaters, nitrates, pesticides and heavy metals on the environment, cropland erosion and soil degradation, non-point source pollution on land and water resources and greenhouse gases.
From Issue 25 onwards, Soil Horizons will be available electronically only. Please do subscribe to have the newsletter delivered to your inbox.
Available issues

Issue 28, December 2019
This issue of Soil Horizons explores soils and their influence on water from micro-scale to farm- and national-scale, and ways to improve the management of our soil resource. We present key research findings on the importance of soil health, finite high-class soils, improving S-map to aid the management of irrigation and erosion control, soil ecological guidelines for trace elements, and new soil monitoring and management tools.

Issue 27, October 2018
The theme for this 2018 issue of Soil Horizons is ‘Big Data’. Big Data describes analytics characterised by a stream of extreme V’s – Volume, Variety, Velocity, & Veracity. In simpler terms this means abnormally large data size; diverse types and forms of data; integration of traditional and real time data and delivering answers in a timely and potentially urgent way; and finally informing critical decisions with clarity over the uncertainty.

Issue 26, October 2017
In this issue of Soil Horizons we explore several aspects of new, smart soil science. We bring together key strands of irrigation technology, soil carbon, and soil biota; explore the complexities of soil health and soil mapping; and discuss new ways to reduce risk from sediment and erosion, and increase soil health.

Issue 25, December 2016
In this issue of Soil Horizons we highlight new and ongoing research to understand system complexity. Several articles demonstrate how new technologies can contribute to resolving science conundrums and we review new efforts in knowledge transfer and capacity-building.

Issue 24, December 2015
This issue of Soil Horizons shows how our traditional approaches to soil science, collecting data, research – and even the way we view soil – have changed. During this International Year of Soils it has been exciting to see innovative contributions by New Zealand soil scientists advancing soil research.

Issue 23, November 2014
The increasing interdisciplinary nature of ecosystem services is reflected in this year’s Soil Horizons magazine. In this issue, scientists have come together from across the Crown Research Institutes and Universities to bring you current understanding of soil services in New Zealand.

Issue 22, December 2013
This year the National Land Resource Centre (NLRC) has partnered with the Soil Horizons team to widen the scope and authorship to bring you soil, land, and water research from across the CRIs.

Issue 21, September 2012
This issue contains updates on the contributions of soil science to a wide range of critical issues, including water quality, reducing contamination with biowastes, ecosystem services and the natural capital of soil, the importance of clay in establishing soil carbon, and processes of nitrogen transformation in soils that regulate greenhouse gas emissions and ammonia emissions.

Issue 20, September 2011
Special issue: Soil & land information.
In this 20th issue of Soil Horizons we highlight our latest advances in the collection, use and sharing of nationally important soil and land resource data.

Issue 19, September 2010
Special Issue: Soil Carbon.
This issue of Soil Horizons reports on our soil carbon (C) research addressing the need to enhance the terrestrial C pool and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere.