Other consumables

Image – Adrienne Farr
Office consumables (other than paper)
Sustainability performance is also part of our procurement policies relating to fleet vehicle choices (fuel–efficiency and size that is appropriate for use, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions ratings); office consumables (products that are manufactured in an environmentally sustainable way, are energy–efficient, have recycled content and which can be re–used or recycled at end of life).
We also re-use office products (files, folders) and have a good supply of reusable items on hand in our stationery stores.
Landcare Research is an officially registered Fair Trade organisation and our coffee and tea supplies are Fair Trade.
Laboratory consumables
While we do use chemicals and isotopes in our laboratories, the quantities are small enough not to be material to our reporting. Their storage, handling and disposal are covered by our standard operating procedures that are audited as part of our ISO 14001 certification, and meet all legislative requirements. We have worked with the other CRIs to negotiate a new hazardous waste contract that has improved our collective ability to measure, monitor and manage these materials.
Vehicle fleet
We have continued ongoing rationalisation of our vehicle fleet to reflect our changing road travel needs, including reducing the number of vehicles and more fuel-efficient vehicles (which in turn reduces our greenhouse gas emissions footprint). Hybrid vehicles are now being investigated to potentially further reduce our footprint.