Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua


<em>Phyllocladus alpinus </em> leaf cuticle. Image – Jim Coleman

Phyllocladus alpinus leaf cuticle. Image – Jim Coleman

Our procurement policy applies the principles of best value for money over whole of life, and requires our procurement of sustainably produced goods and services wherever possible having regard to economic, environmental and social impacts over their life cycle.

Sustainability criteria including company commitment to sustainability, and the sustainability of products and services provided, are included in the evaluation/selection criteria of our suppliers and products.

We continue to collaborate with other CRIs and AsureQuality through the CRI Procurement Forum, and to support All of Government (AoG) initiatives, including travel services; lab consumables; telecommunications (landline, mobile voice and data); legal services; insurance; recruitment services; and electricity supply contracts. Our AoG agreement for printing and copying enabled Follow -You Printing® at our four main sites to reduce waste, allow staff to print anywhere and ensure privacy. This, along with other technologically-driven initiatives, has further reduced copier paper usage by 18.75%, which equates to about 71,000 pages or 142 reams saved this year.