
Stoat with transmitter, Craigieburn. Image – Paul Horton
One of our four National Outcomes is focused on improving the measurement, management and protection of New Zealand's terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity. A significant part of this research is focused on working with government and local government to develop national and regional frameworks for biodiversity monitoring, increasing the effectiveness of biodiversity management across all ecosystem types, increasing awareness of naturally uncommon and threatened ecosystems, and managing introduced weeds and pests that significantly impact on biodiversity, productive sectors and human health.
Our research benefits biodiversity in natural, productive and urban environments throughout New Zealand, Antarctica and various parts of the world. Our efforts to foster biodiversity includes work on above and below ground ecosystems, biological indicators of fresh–water quality (to assess ecological impacts of contamination), and is multi–level from ecosystems to communities to genetic considerations.
We own only small areas of land around our buildings and these are landscaped with native plants (often including specimens of botanical interest). As well as being aesthetically pleasing and often a handy source of material needed in research, the gardens attract native birds and pollinators.