The Biological Control of Weeds Book

The Biological Control of Weeds Book: a New Zealand Guide
- Front cover (PDF File, 210.2 KB)
- Index (PDF File, 277.9 KB)
- Contact Details (PDF File, 158.3 KB)
- Biological Control Basics (PDF File, 493.2 KB)
- Glossary (PDF File, 227 KB)
- What is biological control of weeds? (PDF File, 264 KB)
- How safe are biocontrol agents for weeds? (PDF File, 257.3 KB)
- Insects commonly mistaken for biological control agents (PDF File, 538.9 KB)
- Fungi commonly mistaken for biological control agents (PDF File, 336.9 KB)
- Biological control success stories (PDF File, 561 KB)
- Conflicts of interest (PDF File, 382.2 KB)
- Social, ethical, economic and environmental implications of biocontrol (PDF File, 258 KB)
- Guidelines for selecting release sites for biocontrol agents (PDF File, 155.7 KB)
- Guidelines for collecting, relocating and releasing insect biocontrol agents (PDF File, 231.7 KB)
- Guidelines for keeping track of biocontrol agents (PDF File, 262.3 KB)
- Techniques for assessing the impact of biocontrol agents (PDF File, 345 KB)
- National Assessment Protocol (PDF file, 181 KB)
- National Assessment Protocol. Specific guidelines (PDF file, 188 KB)
- Prerelease sheet (Word doc, 401 KB)
- Release sheet (Word doc, 401 KB)
- Boneseed leafroller monitoring form (Word doc, 535.5 KB)
- Broom gall mite monitoring form (Word doc, 554.5 KB)
- Broom leaf beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 3.7 MB)
- Broom psyllid monitoring form (Word doc, 2.0 MB)
- Broom seed beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 574.5 KB)
- Broom shoot moth monitoring form (Word doc, 5.7 MB)
- Broom twig miner monitoring form (Word doc, 1.1 MB)
- Californian thistle gall fly monitoring form (Word doc, 1.5 MB)
- Californian thistle leaf beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 551 KB)
- Cinnabar moth monitoring form (Word doc, 579.5 KB)
- Darwins Barberry seed weevil monitoring form (Word doc, 752 KB)
- Giant reed gall wasp monitoring form (Word doc, 521 KB)
- Gorse colonial hard shoot moth monitoring form (Word doc, 536.5 KB)
- Gorse pod moth monitoring form (Word doc, 553.5 KB)
- Gorse soft shoot moth monitoring form (Word doc, 541 KB)
- Gorse spider mite monitoring form (Word doc, 549 KB)
- Gorse thrips monitoring form (Word doc, 545 KB)
- Green thistle beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 528.5 KB)
- Ragwort flea beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 562.5 KB)
- Heather beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 544 KB)
- Hieracium gall midge monitoring form (Word doc, 548 KB)
- Hieracium gall wasp monitoring form (Word doc, 543.5 KB)
- Japanese honeysuckle Honshu white admiral monitoring form (Word doc, 4.1 MB)
- Japanese honeysuckle stem beetle monitoring form (528 KB)
- Lantana blister rust monitoring form (Word doc, 6.3 MB)
- Lantana leaf rust monitoring form (Word doc, 718 KB)
- Mist flower gall fly monitoring form (Word doc, 508.5 KB)
- Nodding thistle crown weevil monitoring form (Word doc, 512.5 KB)
- Nodding thistle gall fly monitoring form (Word doc, 514.5 KB)
- Old man's beard leaf fungus monitoring form (Word doc, 507.5 KB)
- Old man's beard leaf miner monitoring form (Word doc, 552 KB)
- Old man's beard sawfly monitoring form (Word doc, 545 KB)
- Privet lace bug monitoring form (520 KB)
- Ragwort crown–boring moth monitoring form (Word doc, 557.5 KB)
- Ragwort plume moth monitoring form (Word doc, 549.5 KB)
- Scotch thistle gall fly monitoring form (Word doc, 547.5 KB)
- Tradescantia leaf beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 809 KB)
- Tradescantia stem beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 1.1 MB)
- Tradescantia tip beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 894 KB)
- Tradescantia yellow leaf spot monitoring form (Word doc, 520 KB)
- Tutsan beetle monitoring form (Word doc, 548 KB)
- Tutsan moth monitoring form (Word doc, 2.1 MB)
- Woolly Nightshade lace bug monitoring form (Word doc, 2.1 MB)
Alligator Weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) Summary (PDF File, 181.3 KB)
Broom (Cytisus scoparius) summary (PDF File, 678.8 KB)
- Broom leaf beetle (PDF File, 287.4 KB)
- Broom gall mite (PDF File, 254.1 KB)
- Broom psyllid (PDF File, 282.6 KB)
- Broom seed beetle (PDF File, 297.1 KB)
- Broom shoot moth (PDF File, 254.8 KB)
- Broom twig miner (PDF File, 249.2 KB)
- Broom agents and herbicides (PDF File, 223.7 KB)
- Enhancing biocontrol of broom by using modelling predictions (PDF File, 242.9 KB)
Californian Thistle (Cirsium arvense) Summary (PDF File, 179.3 KB)
Gorse (Ulex europaeus) Summary (PDF File, 209.9 KB)
- Gorse colonial hard shoot moth (PDF File, 620.5 KB)
- Gorse pod moth (PDF File, 366.6 KB)
- Gorse seed weevil (PDF File, 303.9 KB)
- Gorse soft shoot moth (PDF File, 597.3 KB)
- Gorse spider mite (PDF File, 419.1 KB)
- Gorse thrips (PDF File, 412.8 KB)
- Native insects that damage gorse (PDF File, 372.4 KB)
- Enhancing biocontrol of gorse by using modelling predictions (PDF File, 285.7 KB)
Nodding Thistle (Carduus nutans) Summary (PDF File, 410.7 KB)
Old Man's Beard (Clematis vitalba) Summary (PDF File, 108.1 KB)
Other Agents (PDF File, 131.1 KB)
- Blackberry rust (PDF File, 334.2 KB)
- Boneseed leaf roller (PDF File, 343.9 KB)
- Field horsetail weevil (PDF file, 433KB)
- Giant reed gall wasp (PDF file, 772KB)
- Heather beetle (PDF File, 942.7 KB)
- Hemlock moth (PDF File, 295.3 KB)
- Privet lace bug (PDF, 429.1 KB)
- Scotch thistle gall fly (PDF File, 313 KB)
- St John's wort beetle (PDF File, 310.9 KB)
- Woolly Nightshade Lace Bug (PDF File, 596.3 KB)
- Buddleia leaf weevil (PDF File, 1.0 MB)
Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) Summary (PDF File, 302.5 KB)
- Cinnabar moth (PDF File, 349.5 KB)
- Ragwort biocontrol agents and sprays (PDF File, 252.1 KB)
- Ragwort crown–boring moth (PDF File, 900.4 KB)
- Ragwort flea beetle (PDF File, 452.6 KB)
- Ragwort flea beetle assessment technique (PDF File, 339.6 KB)
- Ragwort flea beetle assessment sheet (PDF File, 127.4 KB)
- Ragwort flea beetle and herbicides (PDF File, 314.2 KB)
- Ragwort plume moth (PDF File, 919 KB)
- Ragwort seed fly (PDF File, 319.1 KB)
Tradescantia (Tradescantia fluminensis) Summary (PDF File, 270 KB)