Section 4. Facing up to wicked problems

The fourth section is facing up to wicked problems.
The complexity and value-laden nature of many global change processes is proving too onerous for many tools that were developed for situations when, for example, resources were considered to be infinite. Such problems are being characterised as ‘wicked’,- and are often symptomatic of deeper problems, persistent and often contain redistributive implications for entrenched interests. Facing up to wicked problems requires new ways of working and new modes of thinking. Our research opens up the difficulty in achieving this, sketches some pathways forward and describes what those pathways might look like in practice.
- Chapter 19. Sustainability Technologies 101: ‘Wicked problems’ and other such technical terms
Good research builds on theoretical insights as well as experimental evidence. Here we reflect on our readings and writings - Chapter 20. Looking through a Governmentality lens – a bit more theory
A specific framework to understand and assess society’s progress to greater sustainability - Chapter 21. Water allocation. Canterbury’s wicked problem
The management of water allocation and quality is critical for New Zealand’s long-term prosperity and well-being. The bulk of this is allocated in Canterbury where it represents a problem of a truly wicked nature - Chapter 22. Social learning – a basis for practice in environmental management
Social learning as a framework for approaching complex problems - Chapter 23. Sustainability appraisal techniques
A brief summary of techniques examined and some of the main points arising - Chapter 24. Getting under the bonnet. How accounting can help embed sustainability thinking into organisational decision making
Accounting technologies can be a surprisingly successful vehicle to stimulate organisational change to greater sustainability, as these case studies demonstrate - Chapter 25. Stakeholder analysis
An assessment tool for identifying and better understanding critical stakeholders - Chapter 26. Supporting effective teamwork
A checklist for evaluating team performance - Chapter 27. We are not alone: National Sustainable Development approaches in New Zealand and Scotland
We examine the Scottish National Sustainable Development Strategy and the NZ Sustainable Programme of Action to assess progress and identify future needs
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