2012 innovation stories

Our Core Purpose is to drive innovation

Choosing the best environmental weed targets for biocontrol
The likely effectiveness of combating an invasive plant through biocontrol can be determined through our new system.

A biodiversity assessment system for New Zealand
Our novel assessment system is helping to provide a comprehensive national overview of the state of New Zealand’s biodiversity.

Pasture to shrublands - the impact of land-use change on carbon storage
We have been studying the climate change implications of converting marginal farmland to shrubland.

Conservation assessment of the indigenous biota
Our detailed systematics knowledge is providing important support for the DOC-sponsored Threat Classification System

Diagnostic tools for national biosecurity
We have developed a range of diagnostic tools to enable the rapid and accurate identification of intercepted organisms.

National ecosystem services trends
The current fragmented approach to managing our natural resources can be replaced by a more holistic one based on ecosystem services.

Objective framework for declaring areas free of TB
Together with partners we have developed a new framework for objectively assessing the probability that TB has been eradicated from a specific area.

Invasive species management
Through three projects we are improving the understanding of wide-scale vertebrate pest control.

Improved estimates of nitrous oxide emissions and emission factors for New Zealand
Together with other stakeholders we are helping to improve estimates of New Zealand’s nitrous oxide emissions.

Physiological growth modelling of forests in New Zealand
Together with NIWA and Scion we have developed a model to assess the likely future growth rates of forests.

S-map: delivering free online soil map information
We have created a new digital soil map to improve the understanding and management of productive soils.

Water quality issues at the regional scale
We have been working to provide better knowledge and mechanisms for managing land-use impacts to meet water quality limits.

Wetland restoration: adding value to land and water
Together with partners we have developed guidelines for the management and restoration of our valuable wetlands.