Japan Earth Resources-1 (JERS-1)
Sun-synchronous, subrecurrent satellite with a 44-day repeat cycle, carrying two main sensors:(1). L-band (23 cm) synthetic aperture radar with 75-km swath, horizontal send-and-receive, single polarisation,and 18-m nominal spatial resolution
(2). OPS (Optical sensor) with three visible/NIR bands, four short-wave infrared bands, plus one stereoscopic band, 75-km swath, 18 x 24 m spatial resolution.
Launched 11 February 1992. Failed October 1998.Limited cloud-free OPS data available over NZ.
An excellent and extensive archive of L-band SAR imagery is available for 1992.
SAR: All-weather mapping and monitoring.Geological structure and texture identification.
Vegetation mapping and monitoring.
Soil moisture and wetlands mapping.
OPS: Mapping and monitoring, especially for geological exploration and vegetation.